
KENTUADEI ADEFE is the founder and principal partner of KENTUADEI ADEFE, LEGAL PRACTITIONERS, MEDIATORS & ARBITRATORS. The firm is amongst the leading firms and first rate commercial law firms operating in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State in the Oil Rich Niger-Delta area of Nigeria.

Kentuadei Adefe attended the Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria where he obtained an LLB in 2000. he thereafter proceeded to the Nigeria Law School and was subsequently called to the Nigerian Bar.He is an active member of the Nigerian Bar Assoiciation {NBA}, THE INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION {IBA}, THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ENTERTAINMENT LAWYERS {IAEL}, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators {uk},Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators {ICMC}  amongst various other organisations and associations. 

Mr Adefe's area of practice includes, Arbitration, corporate and commercial law, mediation, law of taxation, maritime law, banking law, litigation etc.